Sunday, July 7, 2013

au revoir

I feel like going back home from a foreign country you've spent some time in is as much of a culture shock as going to that forge in country. Within the first couple minutes, even, of getting off the plane onto US soil I had to stop myself from saying "pardon" or "merci"...good thing pardon is very similar to our english word that means pretty much the same thing since it still slips out. The last couple of days that we were in Paris were a weird limbo. They seemed to only function as time to get ready to leave instead of time that I was actually still in Paris. But now that I have time to reflect I miss it more than I thought I would. I miss the culture that's deep in the city and that has been there for hundreds of years. I miss the sophistication of everyone you pass, the poise and confidence. I miss the walking and opportunities of not only being in a large city but a large city that has fulfilled so many local dreams but foreign ones too. Although I know the topic of this post is cliche but it is all I have been thinking about since I've been back. You know it has been a great experience and trip when you come back home and you still feel inspired by the one you left.

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