Sunday, July 7, 2013

It Is The End.

It is the end. The total end of my stay in France. My adventure has been everything I expected and more. Although I am not an Art History or Art student, I have been inspired in so many ways as a dancer. All art is connected in one way or another. As a graduate in August, this experience has been a huge supplement to my education. Learning more about visual art has lead me to explore other career paths. Art is what runs our society. It is the beginning and the future, a continuum. Our group alone taught me a lot. I was surrounded by people everyday who were all so different but love the same thing. This art history program was amazing. Frances taught all of us so much and never ceased to inspire all of us to take advantage of this once in a lifetime experience. I will remember all I learned, from Neo-Classicism to Pop Art in this interactive program. I urged anyone to go on this program because it was a valuable experience, educationally and culturally. So long Paris, I hope I will be reunited with you again!

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