Saturday, July 6, 2013

Shopping in Montmarte

For Paris being the fashion capitol of the world, I had some trouble finding clothing stores that I wouldn't be able to find in the US. The Champs-Elysées had stores that 29th Street Mall had. However, one afternoon I went exploring in Montmarte. The small boutiques there were just what I was looking for! This one store, Chatwalk, had really cute clothes. The women working there was very helpful. I told her that I was studying here and that I wanted her to speak to me in french. She was delighted and when I couldn't remember certain vocab words or just didn't know a word, she would humbly help me out. It was refreshing buying strictly unique Parisian clothes and having my entire shopping experience be in french. The clothes fit great and the colors were très chic. Now I know why Paris is the fashion capitol of the world.

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