Friday, June 10, 2011

cultural narrative 2!

So far I have been finding Parisians to be very distant from their stereotypes. I have meet people seem to truly enjoy the chance encounters that come with living in a city the size of Paris. The night Heidi and I decided to walk down to the river front and watch the dancing we encountered so many different happenings, it seemed as though there were the entertainers and the observers. There was the lovely dancing, which Heidi wrote about, and an improv. performance, which was enjoyable in spite of the language barrier. But the action didn’t stop there. Behind these two groups we noticed a man who had decided to take a swim in the river. All the people sitting on the opposite bank were shouting and cheering this man on as he dog paddled his way to one of the neighboring islands. He waved and danced around for the tourist boats passing, and was shortly picked up by river police wearing scuba gear. Everyone around us seemed thrilled with the show. My other favorite Parisian moment of the week was today sitting at a cafĂ©. I was playing with Heidi’s monster camera, shooting pictures of passers by on the busy street corner. Completely fixated through the viewfinder I was shocked when a spectacled face lowered its way into my line of vision. It was the cutest little French man, casually strolling by, who just decided to take a moment to see what I was doing. We laughed at one another and I ended up with a cute photo. Every day I look forward to little moments with playful Parisians.

1 comment:

  1. Good Becca - now talk and talk to people or do sign language but push yourself to engage more proactively with the culture.

    BTW - do we need to get together regarding UROP?
