Friday, June 10, 2011

Cultural Narrative 6/10/11: Poetry at Culture Rapide

This Monday Julie and I went to a small cafe called Culture Rapide for a poetry reading. Getting off the metro, we weren’t very sure where we were going. The cafe was on the opposite side of town from our apartment, and every time I go over there I am astounded by how hilly it is. However, after our trek up the hill it is impossible to miss the cafe. The whole area has an artistic, bohemian feel. There are many cafes that are open late, and lots of artsy graffiti (not just giant tags) on the walls. We got there super early because I wanted to sign up to read my own writing and we ended up wandering around the neighborhood looking at graffiti and for an ATM. We never found one.

The bar/cafe was extremely small, and very hot. The walls were plastered with bumper stickers and postcards and bright red. A small stage was tucked in the corner and the place was tiny enough that no microphone was needed. I had a sneaking suspicion before going that the majority of people attending were English speaking, but I spoke French with the bartender when ordering drinks and asking about wifi. The man running the sign ups was actually Italian, but he spoke French and English fluently. It was really helpful to hear him make all the announcements in French, and then again in English.

The reading was broken up into three rounds, and I read first in the second round. The first round was busy but not packed, the second round was jammed out the door, people standing wherever there was space, and sharing chairs. Julie and I shared our table with a man from Scotland, and a man from Brittany. We talked during the breaks between rounds about crepes and living in Paris. The last round was quietest, possibly because the metro has stopped running. I’m glad I stayed to the end however, because the last poet read in French and I had never heard french poetry recited before. He was extremely animated and conveyed much of the meaning of the poem with his face. Even though I don’t speak French I was moved by the performance. After reading many people came up to compliment me on my poetry, which was really cool. I plan to go back again this Monday, as the readings are every week.

Sam Lee

1 comment:

  1. WOW, SAm! Good for courageous, talented you!
    Sounds like an intensely affirming experience.
