Sunday, June 16, 2013

Running in Paris!

One of my hobbies is running, and it's something I couldn't give up coming to Paris, even though it is a few short weeks. So within the first week I found myself searching for a place to run, but I soon realized, it's not the easiest to find places to run in a city. Parks around here are small, and you can enjoy a small walk at best, but I soon found out about the Plantee Promenade. I ran there twice and realized it was too short for my kind of run. My second run there, the park was closing without knowing it, and I had a guard yell at me in French, I politely stopped, and tried my French, but soon gave in because I was confused at what he was saying. This would not be my first time being stopped, I soon found another great place to run, along the Seine, a long enough run to keep me interested. The first run there was fantastic, I felt like myself again and was finally enjoying Paris my way! The second time, I thought I'd switch it up and run on the other side, bad idea! As soon as the path got smaller, a man, security, came straight up to me waving his arms. I politely stopped again and I was a bit more flustered this time, he started speaking to me in French, and I basically knew what he was saying, that I couldn't run there! Yet I told him I don't speak French well and he still took 5 minutes trying to explain to me that I couldn't run there, like I didn't get it the first time! I'd seen many people running on one side, so I continued to follow their lead. I think most of the runners I've seen must be American, can't be sure, but running isn't something big in France from what I've seen. There are definitely some beautiful places to see here and I want to run all over Paris! For the last 3 weeks here, I'm going to try to run in as many different places as I can, because I've found even if I get yelled at, I'm exploring Paris in a new, fun way!

1 comment:

  1. Yes you are exploring Paris in a new way! Bon courage! More power to you!
