Saturday, June 8, 2013

So far Paris has been awesome. I have done my best to emerge myself into the Parisian culture by reading up on the cities history and attempting to make friends with locals. While doing this I have realized that I have one problem, I do not speak any French. When I do try to speak the language I know that my pronunciation is terrible, for example waiters will mock me when I order saying "Ze Vo Drey".  Realizing that this may be a problem I tried to connect with Parisians with something that is more universal, something that I love and is loved all over the world. . .skateboarding. While walking along the Seine I stumbled across some skaters hanging out in a plaza. Excited, I walked over and began to start a conversation with one of them. I asked if I could take pictures of them doing tricks and he said sure. We then began to talk the skateboard talk and he asked me where I was from. After telling him that I was form Los Angeles we instantly bonded since LA is responsible for the creation of skateboarding. After I snapped a few pics he told me where a local skate shop was so that I could pick up a board and start riding around Paris. We then said our goodbyes. I pan on going to this skate shop very soon. 

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